Refund a payment processed by Stripe

Refund a payment processed by Stripe

Issuing a full refund for a payment made by card through Stripe is very straightforward; issuing a partial refund is less convenient and requires you to have access to your Stripe account.

Go to the Orders page by clicking on [Orders]:

Find the order for which you want to issue a refund and click on [Edit] to edit it:

A. To issue a full refund: click on [Order] then [Refund Payment].

This will initiate a full refund to be issued to the customer and alert message will be displayed for you to confirm the refund request. Click [Refund] to proceed or [Cancel]:

B. To issue a partial refund: you need to be logged into your Stripe account to perform the following steps. Once done, click on the 'Payment Id' (found on the page of the order you are editing):

This will open the transaction in Stripe. On the top right of the page, click on the white [Refund] button:

On the next page, enter the amount you want to refund and click on the purple Refund button:

Further assistance is available in this Knowledge Base. The following will be particularly helpful:

Note: Refunding a payment will cancel the order automatically after 20 minutes.

Note: Stripe submits refund requests to your customer’s bank or card issuer immediately. Your customer sees the refund as a credit approximately 5-10 business days later, depending upon the bank. Once issued, a refund cannot be cancelled. Disputes and chargebacks aren’t possible on credit card charges that are fully refunded.
Some refunds — those issued shortly after the original charge — appear in the form of a reversal instead of a refund. In the case of a reversal, the original charge drops off the customer’s statement, and a separate credit is not issued.

Note: The Stripe dashboards look and functionality can be updated at any point by Stripe which means that the above instructions may not be exactly up to date. If you notice differences, please let us know asap and we'll update this page accordingly.

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