My customers have not received their tickets

My customers have not received their tickets

If customers haven't received their tickets, edit the relevant orders and check below the possible reasons. It might be that the emails have not been sent in the first place or that they have not been received, so make sure to check all the five possible reasons below.

1. The delivery method was set to Post or Collection but not Email. In this case, you will see that the Delivery Status is set to 'Not Delivered':

Solution: email the tickets manually.

2. The email address is incorrect. It can be a typo which is often easy to identify: for example an email address ending with instead of You can also compare the spelling of the email address with the one used by the customer when they emailed you about their issue; alternatively, the customer may have given you their email address over the phone. When an incorrect email address is used, the email usually bounces and the bounced message can be seen in the order's 'Notes' — the actual note being marked with a red flag. If there is such a note, read it to see why the email was rejected (something like 'domain name not found')
Solution: Correct the email address in the order, save the order and email the tickets manually.

3. The email address mailbox is full and the email has bounced. The bounced email can be seen in the 'Notes' of the order and the actual note is marked with a red flag. In the note, you will see why the email was rejected and bounced (something like 'mailbox full').
Solution: ask the customer to empty their mailbox or to provide an alternative email address

4. The customer is not looking in the correct email account. The email address entered in the order is different from the one customer the customer is looking. You can suspect this when the email address in the order is not the same as the one used by the customer when they emailed you about their issue.
Solution: ask the customer to look for the email in the correct email account.

5. The email has been identified as spam. The security settings of the Internet Service Provider, the company network (if the customer is using a business email address) or simply the customer's email program are treating the email as spam.
Solution: ask the customer to look for the email in their spam folder. Please note that spam folders can be cleared automatically, so the email might not be there anymore; in this case, email the tickets manually.

To email the tickets manually, edit the order and select 'Email Tickets' in the top right 'Tickets' menu:

Notes can be marked with a red flag:

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