Create or change plans

Create or change plans

Each event must have at least one plan with at least one area. It is easier to understand what a 'plan' is if you imagine a concert hall with various seating in the stalls, circle and balcony for example. The concert hall is a 'plan' and the stalls, circle and balcony are 'areas'.

The areas can each be assigned a different capacity (maximum number of places that can be sold) and a different price. This creates a very flexible and versatile system if you need it but might appear a bit overcomplicated for very simple events. As you will see below, we take the complexity away by creating automatically an area when you create a plan. So if your event is straightforward, just follow step 1 below; if you need multiple areas then follow steps 1 and 2.

If you need to change an existing plan or existing areas, jump to step 3.

1. Create a plan with one area
To create a plan and one area for a simple general admission event, then click on [New Plan]:

You will be presented with a form pre-populated with a 'Plan Name' and an 'Area Name'. You can rename these but it is not really necessary as only admin users will see them (i.e. your customers will not). You need to enter the 'Number of Places' available in the 'Area': this is the maximum capacity the 'Area' (e.g. the maximum number of people allowed in your concert hall). When done, click [Save]:

You can now proceed to add tickets.

2. Add more areas to the plan
If you have more than one area in your plan (e.g. Balcony and Stalls), edit the 'Plan':

Click on [New Area]:

Enter an 'Area Name'

Enter the number of places in the area in the 'Amount' field and click [Add]:

You can create as many areas as you need.

3. Change the plan and the areas
You can rename an existing plan and change the areas within in by clicking on [Rename] or [Edit]:

Further assistance is available in this Knowledge Base. The following will be particularly helpful:
Note: To create a reserved seating plan you will need to ask us to do it for you.
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